Meet Our Staff

Reverend Janet Deranian, Pastor

Rev. Janet Deranian began serving as the pastor of UMC Enfield in 2018.  She is an ordained elder in the New England Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church, and has been serving God as a pastor since 2007.  Much to her surprise, she found herself called to the ministry while working as a history museum curator.  (Ask her about her call experience – it might surprise you.)  As a pastor, she seeks to encourage people in their faith journey through scripture – “for how can you love the Word of God in Jesus unless you love the word of God in scripture?”  The scripture passage that continues to nourish her in her calling is the story of Zacchaeus in the Gospel of Luke.  “It reminds me to see people with the eyes of Jesus.”   Pastor Janet grew up in New England, and has lived in several parts of the country. She loves to bake, and claims her cookbooks multiply when she isn’t looking.


Lynne Tracy-Thim, Music Director

Lynne Tracy-Thim has been the Music Director for UMC Enfield since 1997.  She grew up the daughter of a church soloist so it was only natural that church music be a part of her life, which included playing the flute, piano and organ, as well as singing.   “It is important to me to try to create a sense of “connectedness” to people, purpose and God.  I often use Psalm 95:1 as a devotional : ‘Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the rock of our salvation’.  It really lifts my heart!”

Lynne has lived in East Windsor, CT all her life. In her spare time, she likes to research her family’s genealogy and plan her next visit to Disney with her husband and three adult children!



Mary Bandouveres, Communications Coordinator

Mary draws on her varied communications experience to convey information to the congregation creatively. During this challenging time, keeping everyone up to date on how to access worship services and the status of church events is critical. She takes advantage of communication resources including Facebook, the church website, the weekly e-newsletter “Notes from the Bell Tower” and old-fashioned paper mail to reach all church members regardless of their technological savvy.

Mary lives in Wilbraham, MA with her husband and grandson. She enjoys digging in the garden, cooking and planning her next travel adventure.