Outreach Ministries
We engage in a variety of ways to serve God’s people locally, regionally, and across the globe. Below are just of few of the ministries we support with our time and talents. Contact us if you would like to participate in any of these!
Enfield Food Shelf Under the direction of Don Crouser, we are continuing to collect food for the Enfield Food Shelf. Every month hundreds of pounds of food as well as cash donations are safely collected for the Enfield Food Shelf and more is collected each month.
Enfield Loaves & Fishes Meal
Lorraine C. leads our crew the 3rd Sunday of every month to serve a hot, home cooked meal. She is always looking for help to set up, cook, clean up or make desserts. Everyone is welcome to help with part or all of this meal.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Prayer shawls are knitted or crocheted to give to people as a tangible sign of God’s presence in times of celebration or challenge. Prayer shawls made by the members and friends of UMC Enfield have been sent all over the world. The Prayer Shawl Ministry welcomes people into this ministry, and will be delighted to teach you how to knit or crochet, as well as provide patterns and yarn. Contact the church office for information about meeting times and locations.